Author: fwachter

online concert, piano, male musician playing piano, wine, glass of wine, fireplace

Case Study: Candlelight Concert Society virtual concert

How To Promote a Virtual Event on Social Media Case Study: Recently we began working with Candlelight Concert Society (CCS), a classical music concert presenter in Columbia, MD. Their first priority was to promote their free January 30 virtual online concert. We had roughly three weeks to execute our social media strategy. The result was…
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person in gray apron holding red ceramic bowl

Social Media Tactics for Your Sales Funnel

Many of us are familiar with the “sales funnel” diagram (below) that maps out your customer’s journey, or their path to purchase. The general idea is that a potential buyer goes through certain stages before they decide to make any purchase; large or small. But what role does your social media play in your sales…
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online shopping on smartphone

5 Easy Ways to Support Small Businesses with Social Media

During the current holiday season, many consumers are making a point to shop local and shop small for their holiday shopping. The small businesses that ramped up their digital presence during the pandemic saw the most success during Black Friday & Small Business Saturday. Many small businesses have also turned to social media to drive…
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person writing in notebook with laptop, set goals, goal-setting

How to Set Goals for Your Social Media

It’s common this time of year to begin turning your attention to goal-setting for the upcoming new year; but how does one set goals for their social media marketing? As a small business owner, I find it helpful to set goals based on where I am now and where I’d like to be after a…
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storefront small business shop customer

Who is your Ideal Customer?

“Why is it important to know WHO your Ideal Customer is?” is a topic we address frequently with our clients. Most of our clients are small business owners, entrepreneurs, or nonprofits that are looking to improve their own marketing for a variety of reasons. When they first started in their current business, they had expertise…
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The Next Five Years

June 2020 marks five years in business for Faith Wachter Consulting, LLC. Whoa. Most small businesses fold within the first five years so if you’ve made it that far, you’re more likely to survive the next five years. Indeed, this is a significant landmark for me as a business owner. I never pictured myself as…
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Building a Digital Content Library

We all have a great story to tell, don’t we?  We each have our own accomplishments, funny moments, experiences that define us, etc.  What may seem boring and routine to us can appear fascinating and interesting (and perhaps valuable!) to others. These stories also make for great online content; particularly if you write a blog or…
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One Important Way to Improve Your Social Media Marketing

So, you and your team have invested a good amount of time and effort to improve your social media strategy. You’ve set up your Facebook page and Twitter account for your business.  Maybe even an Instagram or Pinterest account too.  You’ve developed a thoughtful content strategy that takes all your priorities, audiences, budgets, and timelines…
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How to Use Your Business’ Social Media in these Uncertain Times

Your social media accounts are a communications tool. Use them to convey what’s important to your brand — your brand values — in these uncertain times.


3 Common Mistakes Made on Small Business Facebook Pages

In an ideal world, a successful Facebook Business Page should amplify your brand, generate leads, and foster engagement with your audience. Most small business owners create a Facebook Business Page with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, they’ve created or curated their Page with little knowledge of basic marketing or how the platform works. Because of…
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