Building a Digital Content Library

We all have a great story to tell, don’t we? We each have our own accomplishments, funny moments, experiences that define us, etc. What may seem boring and routine to us can appear fascinating and interesting (and perhaps valuable!) to others.
These stories also make for great online content; particularly if you write a blog or manage social media content. If you amass enough of these stories–or evidence of these stories–over time, you’ll find you have quite a collection or library of stuff to choose from for your next great post.
Always have something to post!
Here are a few ideas to pro-actively build your own digital content library for your e-marketing:
- Behind the scenes: share some insider tidbits from your day, or from your workplace. What’s it like on a daily basis? What did you encounter on your commute home last night? What was your “a-ha” moment in the shower this morning? Pro tip: check out this thread on Reddit for fascinating Shower Thoughts.
- FAQs: Do you get asked the same questions all the time–especially at work? Turns out, those are great fodder for social media posts. Start collecting them and share a new FAQ answer every week. Curious minds want to know! Bonus: this is good customer service too.
- Pics, or it didn’t happen: Put that ubiquitous smartphone to use and start snapping photos with that surprisingly good built-in camera. Don’t just wait for special occasions or the big events at work. Find the extraordinary in the ordinary things that you encounter throughout your day. Consider if a short video would be appropriate. Pro tip: search #everydaylife on Instagram for inspiring ideas.
- Share the love: Who does your company serve? How does your business help people? And how do you know? Stories of satisfied customers and first-person testimonials make great social content. It allows other people to tell your story and it communicates the value of your organization or product. Pro tip: consider contests or hashtag campaigns to encourage your customers to generate their own stories of your product/service or your event. Create a branded hashtag for these campaigns that attach your brand to this user-generated content.
Collect these photos, stories, videos, and testimonials, and encourage your colleagues to do the same as well. Build content gathering into your future events, and find ways to encourage your best customers to create content for you. Gather the good stuff throughout the whole year. Before you know it, you’ll have an abundant source of storytelling material and The Big Idea for your next brilliant blog post.
What’s in YOUR digital content library?

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