How We Can Help You Based on Your Social Media Audit & Self-Assessment

As the end of the year approaches, it is time to get your social media marketing ready for the next year. Get started by performing a Social Media Audit & Self-Assessment. This quick assessment will take you less than five minutes but give you a ton of value!
Once you answer a few questions and rate your social media on a scale from 1 to 5, you’ll discover where you stand on the social media spectrum. Then, use the solutions below to map out your plan for next year. Whatever your score, remember—you’re not alone! We’ve seen a wide range of social media marketing scores and no matter where you land, we have a solution to help you.
Our agency has both Do-It-Yourself (DIY) and Done-For-You (DFY) options to fit your budget, in addition to a ton of free resources and helpful tactics right here on our blog. Or check out our YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Or sign up for our newsletter to get these helpful tips directly in your Inbox. We are here to help your audience get to know, like, and trust your brand.
But first, let’s get you started with an end-of-the-year social media audit with these easy-to-follow steps:
Step 1:
Download Your Free Social Media Audit & Self-Assessment
Grab your free copy of the Social Media Audit & Self-Assessment here!
Once you have your copy either print it out or fill out the PDF. Set a timer for five minutes and answer the questions with your gut reaction – don’t overthink your answers. By answering honestly, you will get a score that accurately reflects your social media marketing needs so we can get you the right resources!
Step 2:
Add Up Your Score For The Self-Assessment Scale
Once you have filled out your copy of the Social Media Audit & Self Assessment, take a quick tally of your score, and find the corresponding number below, to get helpful resources to improve your social media marketing score.
Step 3:
Find Your Corresponding Score From The Self-Assessment Scale
15 – 20 Score From The Self-Assessment Scale
Way to go, that’s a high score! You have a great base to grow, your social media could be doing even more for your brand. If you are ready to exceed expectations and give your brand a boost, you should schedule a Power Hour!
Our Power Hours are designed for fellow marketing & communications professionals or DIYers to level up their social media efforts through 1:1 coaching. Look at this as an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session just for YOU. Get immediate, actionable feedback in a 60-minute session on any topic regarding your brand’s social media marketing. Perfect for brands that are looking for a quick, budget-friendly solution to supercharge their current social media framework. Schedule your Power Hour here.
10 – 15 Score From The Self-Assessment Scale
You are well on your way to success with a score like that! So the question is: where is the bottleneck? Is it a lack of time, tools, or strategy? Whatever it is you know we have you covered! Based on your bottleneck, check the solution we provide below:
- Lack of time: It’s time to consider outsourcing your social media marketing. Ask yourself these five questions to determine if outsourcing is right for you.
- Lack of tools: the right tools make any job much easier, so we made a Content Creation Dashboard & Calendar to make it a breeze to plan your social media marketing, it’s FREE!
- Lack of strategy: We have you covered with over thirty years of collective experience in the social media space, all you need to do is book a Strategic Roadmap Session to get your custom social media marketing strategy.
If you need more help finding the right solution for you and your team, book a discovery call for concierge-level service to help you choose the perfect solution for your budget.
Below 10 Score From The Self-Assessment Scale
It’s okay to ask for help. Believe it or not, we have also struggled with asking for help as a GenX-founded business, but now we are an agency run by a virtual team of specialists. If we can grow, so can you! The question is do you want to save money or do you want to save time?
- If you want to save money: go through the numerous free resources we have, and check out the rest of the articles on our blog that have tips and tactics to grow your social media. We suggest you start with setting goals for your social media marketing.
- If you want to save time: look into our basic account management or strategic roadmap to help you get on track to see ROI from your social media marketing efforts.
If you prefer to talk to a real person about your options, book a discovery call for concierge-level service to help you choose the perfect solution for your budget.
We know that social media marketing can be a TON of work – we are here to help you build a strategic social media presence for your brand. Our goal is always to get your audience to know, like, and trust your brand.
If you choose to Do-It-Yourself (DIY) we are always adding new tips and tactics which we will happily send straight to your inbox Click here to sign up.
If you choose to have it Done-For-You (DFY), we would be happy to discuss your marketing goals and budget. To find the right solution for your brand, book a discovery call to get started.