Outbound Engagement Case Study: Garden & Grounds Bistro + Plant-Powered Athlete Baltimore

Outbound Engagement Case Study: Garden & Grounds Bistro + Plant-Powered Athlete Baltimore

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If posting content is your sole action on your social media accounts, you’re not alone. This is the number one mistake we see small businesses make when DIYing their own social media marketing. This is what we call “posting and ghosting.”

The key to successful social media marketing is to BE SOCIAL.

It’s not enough to just post content; you must engage with other accounts’ content as well for your posts to be seen by a larger audience. Regular outbound engagement is important not just on the content in your news feed, but also in your Direct Messages (DMs). Your Inbox can be an effective way to cultivate new relationships with potential customers.

One of our clients, Garden & Grounds Bistro, got a nice boost on Instagram and in-store with a visit from Plant-Powered Athlete Baltimore. Our team grew this relationship over time through comments on their posts and in DMs. We saw from their posts that their local vegan running group met regularly at local coffee shops after their Sunday morning runs. We invited them to meet at Garden & Grounds to try their plant-based menu options, and they’ve already brought their group back twice to date! They promoted their post-run meetups on their own IG, and we posted about each of their visits on the Garden & Grounds IG account. Meanwhile, we’ve developed a lovely partnership with a local group and we look forward to their next visit!

Check out the results from their first visit here:


The data doesn’t lie!

Social media is powerful, and if done correctly, your business can find success on these platforms.


Need help with your Social Media Marketing?

A Strategic Social Media Roadmap can give your business a personalized approach to succeeding on social media. Our custom roadmaps can include an outbound engagement strategy that will produce real results.

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